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Изменения на сервере
KALLLEUДата: Понедельник, 02.08.2010, 23:01 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Зам КЛа
Сообщений: 65
Награды: 3
Репутация: 9
Статус: Offline
* Квесты «Исследование Пещеры Гигантов (первая и вторая части)», «Призраки Батура», «Признаки восстания» и «Час Икс» изменились вследствие переработки охотничьих угодий. Задания, полученные до обновления, дальше выполнять невозможно;
* Королева Суккубов из задания «Испытание Храбрости» перемещена в Заброшенный Угольный Рудник;
* «Аудиенция у Дракона Земли» — область обитания Пауков Зомби и Медведей Зомби перенесена на Забытые Равнины;
* «Самонадеянный Поиск» — предмет Машина Гигантов теперь можно получить, охотясь на монстров Око Хаоса и Палиот;
* «Амбиции Клана» — Солдаты и Разведчики Младших Гигантов заменены на Главарей Злобных Душ, обитающих на Поле Брани;
* «Репутация Клана» — Рейдовый Босс Хекатон Прайма заменен на Жреца Шилен Хисилрома;
* «Престиж Клана» — исключен пункт, касающийся Рейдового Босса Королевы Шипастых Стакато Шиид;
* «Сумрачный Лис — 2», «Воскрешение Мертвых» и «Черный Лебедь» — необходимые для выполнения квеста монстры перемещены на Пляж Аллигаторов;
* «Новый питомец» и «Свадебный марш» — необходимые для выполнения квеста монстры перемещены в окрестности Хейна;
* «В поисках гнезда» — требуемый для выполнения квеста уровень повышен с 66 до 81;
* «Поплавки для рыбалки» — на измененных охотничьих угодьях больше невозможно добыть предметы для выполнения задания;
* «Усиление оружия» — Кристалл Души 14 уровня теперь можно получить при охоте на Рейдовых Боссов Хекатон Прайм, Королеву Шипастых Стакато Шиид, Аэнкинель;
* «Горящие факелы» — увеличен шанс выпадения квестовых предметов.

* Exploration of Giant's Cave - Part 1, Exploration of Giant's Cave - Part 2, The Zero Hour, Ghosts of Batur and Signs of Revolt have been updated due to the changes in hunting grounds, therefore it is not possible anymore to complete the previously mentioned quests. The rewards for these quests can be retrieved through the News Informer in town. Be sure to have all quest items in your backpack before talking to the News Informer.
* Quest monster Succubus Queen from Trial of Challenger now spawns inside Abandoned Coal Mines due to changes made to Mithril Mines.
* For the quest Audience with the Land Dragon, due to the changes made to Giant's Cave, the location for hunting Kranrot and Hamrut has been changed to Forsaken Plains.
* For the quest An Arrogant Search, due to the changes made to Giant's Cave, The Titan's Powerstone for the 1st part of the quest has been changed to a Shell of Monsters and is now dropping from Yintzu and Paliote in Forsaken Plains.
* For the quest Pursuit of Clan Ambition!, due to the changes made to Giant's Cave, the Titan's Powerstones and the Nebulite Crystals quest items have been changed to Spiteful Soul Energy which can be acquired from Spiteful Soul Leader in Fields of Massacre.
* For the quest A Clan's Reputation, Hekaton Prime can no longer be choosen from the list due to its level increase. Raid Boss Shilen's Priest Hisilrome can be picked instead.
* For the quest The Clan's Prestige, Stakato Queen Shyeed can no longer be choosen from the list due to the changes made to the Stakato Nest.
* For the quest Shadow Fox II, the location of the related quest monsters has been changed from Field of Whispers to Alligator Beach due to the changes made to Field of Whispers/Field of Silence.
* For the quest Method to Raise The Dead, the location of the related quest monsters has been changed from Field of Whispers to Alligator Beach due to the changes made to Field of Whispers/Field of Silence.
* For the quest Black Swan, the location of the related quest monsters has been changed from Field of Whispers to Alligator Beach due to the changes made to Field of Whispers/Field of Silence.
* For the quest Help Rood Raise A New Pet!, the location of the related quest monsters has been changed from Field of Silence to nearby Heine due to the changes made to Field of Whispers/Field of Silence.
* For the quest Wedding March, the location of the related quest monsters has been changed from Field of Silence to nearby Heine due to the changes made to Field of Whispers/Field of Silence.
* The starting level for the quest In Search of The Nest has been increased from 66 to 81 due to changes made to the Stakato Nest.
* The Sweet Fluid for the mission Quest for Fishing Shot is no longer dropping from monsters in areas that haven been revamped for this update.
* New quest rewards including S80 Dynasty armor and weapon recipies have been added for the quests A Powerful Primeval Creature and Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe.
* For the quest Gather the Flames, the related monsters have been adjusted due to the changes made to the Forge of the Gods, and the drop rate of torches has been greatly increased.
* The start level of "Defend the Hall of Erosion" and "Conquer the Hall of Erosion" quests has been decreased to level 75.

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30.01.2025, 10:48

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